Tuesday Speed & Endurance Sessions
Tuesday: Speedwork
06:40 Coached Fast Interval Session: for those with sub 18 mins 5k. Meet at Teddington Gate
09:15 Speed & Endurance Session: Meet Pheasantry car park, Bushy Park, already warmed up with ~2km.
Aimed at those with a 5km time 21-25mins who want to improve their middle distance speed and endurance. Sessions go elsewhere , so please email us in advance to: speedtuesday@gmail.com
09:40 Quality Session: From Teddington Gate. Warmed up and ready for strides. This is an interval session. You do need to be fit to train. Aimed at those with 5k time 18-21mins
19:30 Quality Session: Intervals session meet at Riverside Drive, Ham (by the path to Teddington Lock) run by Simon Brazil. You do need to be fit to train.
Other speed and strength sessions:
Thursday: Strength & Conditioning session
09:50 Meet Bushy Park Sports Club for a short intervals session (conditioning) followed by strength exercises. Coffee is available in the Club after training. Aimed at all abilities.
Saturday: Tempo session
08:45 Meet Teddington Gate.
Marathon Prep:
If you are preparing for a marathon, the program you intend to follow will probably be 12 to 16 weeks. This assumes you are already fit to train. So allow a few weeks of build up in order to prepare yourself.
Ensure you have a minimum of 4 weeks basic endurance in the bank. 4 to 5 sessions per week of steady running will get you ready. Set out as follows:
Session 1: 30 to 40 minutes running as you feel but not too fast.
Session 2: Quality Session, Run 5 x 4 minutes at current 10k pace off 2 minutes jog.
Session 3: same as session 1.
Session 4: Light tempo - 10 minutes easy 15 minutes tempo 10 minutes easy.
Session 5: Long steady run - between 8 to 12 miles build this up week on week if not currently running the distance.
warm up and cool down as required.
Group training is fast training,
Head Coach