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Training Sessions


Strength and Conditioning

New Strength and Stability for Runners class. Essential maintenance to avoid injury and improve endurance by developing running specific strength as well flexibility and balance. Your hips, knees and ankles will thank you.

Bushy Park Sports Club 9:30am - 10:30am.


Little Feet

Meet at 7pm at the Forresters pub, Hampton Wick. Anyone coming along for the first time should email their contact details in advance to Little Feet so we know who to expect. 


Hampton Hill Group

This is the smallest* group in the Stragglers and meets at 7:30pm by the Hampton Hill Gate to Bushy Park  (opposite the United Reformed Church).
They run a set route of about 4 miles. There is a winter route on the road and a summer route mainly off road. Some will retire to The Star for refreshment after the run.
*There are normally between 5 and 10 runners.


Speed Sessions

We offer a variety of speed and endurance sessions every Tuesday which cater to all abilities of running.
Click through to find out more about each session.


Strength and Conditioning

Week 1+3 Meet 10:30am Richmond Park

Sophie will take you through a Hill Session at Richmond Park

Week 2+4 Meet at 10:30am Bushy Park by Teddington Gate.

Sophie will take you through Strength and Conditioning followed by Intervals and Sprints with a view on working on your 5k and 10k times.

This session is for mixed abilities


Thames Ditton Group

Meet at the Cricket Club, Giggs Hill Green, just before 7pm. 
We alternate group runs with more structured training including intervals and hills, as well as a monthly social.
Click to find out more


Strength and Conditioning

Meet Bushy Park Sports Club at 9.50am for a session on running form and intervals (conditioning) followed by strength exercises in the Club. The strength session starts at 11am and can be done separately without  the conditioning session. Coffee is available in the Club after training.


Main Club evening

Meet at Bushy Park Sports Club at 7pm. There will be the groups going at paces to suit just about everybody. 
To help the evening go smoothly, if you plan to attend, please click on Find out more link and fill in the form that you will find there.


S+C, Intervals + Sprints

Meet at 10:30am Bushy Park by Teddington Gate

This session is aimed at slower runners (26+min 5k runners). 

Sophie will take you through Strength and Conditioning followed by Intervals and Sprints with a view on working on your 5k and 10k times.

Training: List


Tempo or Fartlek

Meet at 8:45 by Teddington Gate in Bushy Park.
The times above are start times ( on the dot), warm up and drills need to be completed before starting the session. You will be advised not to take part if you jump off your bike at the last minute and consider yourself warmed up and ready to go.

Details of our training sessions, including where/when to meet are shown below. Very ocasionally there are last minute changes to session plans and where possible we will list those here.

Find a summary of our 2024 sessions and ability levels here


Long Run (Richmond Park)

If you are interested in attending please email Phil Davies who will confirm whether a run is planned and the start details. Runs will be 10-13 miles long. Pace is likely to be 8:30 - 8:45 (minutes per mile) as preference will be given to trail routes, with a few hills thrown in.

Our Coaches


Kev Best
Head Coach

WhatsApp Image 2023-05-21 at 17.54_edited.jpg

Sophie Biggs

CiRF Level 2

Training: Text
Training: Testimonials
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