Races Stragglers Organise
Each year we host numerous events open to all our runners and other clubs.
Read below to see what we offer:
Green Belt Relay

The Green Belt Relay is a 220 mile run for teams of 11 runners that takes place each year in May. It is open to runners of all standards.
It starts from Hampton Court and circumnavigates London on towpaths, footpaths and quiet country lanes before returning to Kingston. The course is renowned for the spectacular scenery and interesting sites that it passes.
The stages vary in distance from 5.6 to 13.5 miles with teams of 11 taking part over 22 stages. The course is marked throughout and each stage is accurately timed with prizes given for the individual and team winners.
The next Green Belt Relay will be on 17th/18th May 2025 and entries will be open in the New Year.
Route Maps are available on the Green Belt Relay page.
For more information, visit www.greenbeltrelay.org.uk
Club 10k June
The Club 10K takes place once every Summer on a Thursday evening club night. The course is in Bushy Park. Prizes are awarded for the first male and female winners and for the winners of each age category. Registration is on the night from 7.00pm, for a 7.45pm start. Walkers start at 7.15-7.30pm and follow a shortened version of the course.

Wedding Day 7k

Why the "Wedding Day"? The race was first run on Thursday 29 July 1981, which was a bank holiday marking the wedding day of Prince Charles and Diana, Princess of Wales.
The race was then organised by the London Road Runners Club: when this club ceased to exist, the Stragglers took over the organisation. Rumor has it that when the race was first planned, there was some discussion about whether to go round the loop in Bushy park twice, or three times to make it a 10km race. The organisers went for refreshments at the local pub to discuss these possibilities which ended up as the 7K - the rest, as they say, is history......now it is a much loved local race on a Friday evening.

River Relay (September)
The River Relay is a baton relay run over five stages from Boveney to Kingston-upon-
Thames, finishing at the Hawker Centre. Mixed teams consist of 5 people with at least one woman, the others can be a woman, a Veteran (35 and over) but not more than 3 Senior Men.
The stages range from 4.4 to 6.5 miles over friendly terrain (a total of 26.7 miles) so this
is an excellent introduction to relay racing and runners of all standards are welcome.
The River Relay will take place in 2025 on Sunday 31st August (TBC) with the first stage starting at 09.00 at Boveney near Windsor. Entries will open next year, and if you would like to enter one or more teams please email riverrelay@stragglers.org . Our registration system enables you to enter online and make any subsequent changes to your team details. Once we have your registration of interest we will make sure you are kept up to date with developments.
See Course map HERE.
See detailed information about the race HERE.

The Cabbage Patch (20th October)
The Cabbage Patch 10 mile race is one of the flattest and best 10 milers in the country (Richard Nerurkar set an all time British record of 46 mins 2 secs in 1993). Starting and finishing in Twickenham the course follows a loop, crossing the river in Kingston and Richmond and as always race HQ is the Cabbage Patch pub in Twickenham.
This 10 mile race is for runners of all standards on roads and towpaths through Twickenham, Kingston and Richmond.
In 2024 the race will be on 20th October and entries opened on 1st April.
Each finisher can pay for and receive this year's edition of the now famous Cabbage Patch 10 long sleeved T-shirt.
Visit www.cabbagepatch10.com for more information.
Boxing Day Cabbage Patch
A four mile race which takes place on Boxing Day. A perfect opportunity to run off the Christmas pud!. Meeting at the Cabbage Patch pub, but starting from Twickenham riverside, the run follows the river towards St Margarets before a loop takes you back to the river and then on to finish close to the famous Patch. A low key race, but popular with Stragglers and other local runners. Bring a Secret Santa gift to exchange as your "entry fee", or alternatively pay a small fee, but get no gift!