With no big races this weekend Stragglers could be forgiven if they chose to put their feet up and just watch the Olympics instead of running. However, a large number of them pitched up at Saturdays' Bushy parkrun to mark some significant milestones.

Maxine Kelly, Carolyn Cooper-Burrows and Jackie Brown who were all celebrating 250 parkruns, threw a milestone party for friends and family along with Anne Woods who completed an unofficial milestone of 400 events on Saturday.
Some Stragglers enjoyed a double serving of cake, because Richard Gray was also celebrating his 250 with friends from the Tuesday night Thames Ditton group.

Finally, Annie Phillips and Ann Coward also completed their 250th on Saturday meaning between them the seven have amassed nearly 2000 parkruns (most of them run at Bushy) and an impressive 9,500km. Well done all!
