Those members who couldn't wait for the weekend for their racing fix were spoilt for choice with two events to choose from on Wednesday night. The second race in the Wimbledon Trails series, attracted the bigger Stragglers crowd, although that may have been something to do with the fact it was included in the Summer Grand Prix.

Thirty-six members completed the five mile race with Jim Lurkins the first Straggler to finish in 30:52 and 25th place. Donovan Duffy was second home in 31:31 and 30th place. Lex Prince was our first woman to finish in 67th with a time of 34:26. She was also one of five Stragglers to win her age category.

Lex won WV40 while Libby Ferguson who finished two minutes behind her won WV50. Merilyn Davies took WV60 and Merran Sell was first in WV70, making it almost a clean sweep for the women. Roy Reeder won MV50 having finished 63rd in 34:08.
Meanwhile, in Richmond Park, we had both men and women's teams competing in the Parkland Relays organised by Thames Hare and Hounds. The women's team finished third but full results have yet to be published.
