Last weekend it was the turn of the distance runners to shine with several club members completing half marathons. Rhys Doherty produced the fastest time, finishing fourth at the Warwick half marathon in a time of 1:10:09, while closer to home Denis Mustafa (1:50:06) and Alexandra Mason (2:15:13) both competed at Richmond Park.
Meanwhile in Watford, Phil Hammett completed his second half marathon in four weeks, finishing in 1:37:09. As part of his training for the Boston Marathon in April, Phil is running half marathons every two weeks, aiming to get faster each time.

His first half was Farnborough on January 21 which he completed in 1:38:43. Dean Morley (1:28:070, Kelly Page (1:41:26), Victoria Wood (1:42:29) also competed at Farnborough.
If you are racing don't forget to share your results with Ian Riley so we can celebrate club achievements here and on social media, as well as maintain our records.
And if you are training for a particular marathon please post the details in the comments below so we can follow your progress.
Phil competing at Watford